Saturday, May 11, 2013

Opening a book

A book is for more than reading

A book is for touching
With clean and dirty hands
Lovingly creasing the binding
Folding corners of pages to save them
Writing thoughts and flights of fancy
Or doodling
in the margins

A book is for refusing
To join the babbling by-plays
To tear away what my skin touches because life calls
A book is life
Lived as you recall or
As you could not live it
A book is life calling me
To follow Euterpe and Calliope

A book is for leaving
Before you are done
And waiting anxiously to finish
And starting again looking for new treasure in old veins

A book is a struggle that gives life meaning
The art of making something out of nothing
A burden you gladly carry
Because then you know it’s there
Waiting for your return

A book is for feeding
And leaving love signs of what you shared
Accidentally, distractedly
As you ate and read
Baptizing with drips of coffee or juice
Wrinkling the paper
Love signs

You can’t love a screen
If you fall asleep with it
It won’t warm you
Or open to pull you in
Through the night
It won’t reach out and call you
And when you wake
It won’t be changed because of the time away

A book is more than words upon the page
Pictures between the words
Leaves yellowed with time
A book carries memories
The page that ripped when you couldn’t wait
To read the next page
The water stain when it fell in the puddle
After rain fell unexpectedly
And you weren’t looking because
In your mind
You were reading
The blue crayon scribbled across four pages
By a three-year-old who couldn’t know
Words have their own color and need no enhancement

When people die
Books remember them
If you touch their books
Or if they’ve touched yours
You have them
And feel the memory from their fingers through yours

A book is for more than reading

1 comment:

  1. You live in your books in your way and I'll live in my books my way. I get all the experiences in the process of reading you captured in the poem, only I prefer my books less destroyed. Besides, in the long run it really doesn't matter how you read your books as long as you do read.
